This poem complemented the book on the Revolution of Dignity. It describes the tragic destiny of the Ukrainian people. Translating poems on such topics for an international book is not easy, as one must be aware of responsibility both to his native state and to other countries. Modern patriotic art gives the world the opportunity to learn more about the historical destiny of Ukraine.
I wish faith and strength to all of us on our way to a happy future!
Небесна Сотня
З давніх-давен і до сьогодні
Вкраїнський шлях в крові й хрестах.
Були колись козацькі сотні –
У них стійкий наш дух зростав.
Та не давно, а в нашім часі,
Всім нам з очей полуду зняв
Майдан, де впали хлопці наші –
Їх Бог до Неба сотню взяв!
Of unknown authorship
The Heavenly Hundred
From ancient times until today,
Ukraine is full of blood and crosses.
Once there were Cossack sotnias
Where our spirit saw heyday.
Not long ago, in present ages,
Maidan uncovered our eyes,
Where our boys said last “Goodbyes!” –
The Heaven took the hundred angels!
Translated by Anush Beglaryan